Why do GIF memes slap?
How do I make GIF memes work for me? What’s the easiest way to make bespoke, custom GIF memes? And why do GIF memes, of all the memes, quite simply...
How to use custom GIF memes to crush your school presentation
Can a free GIF generator spice up your school presentation? Are GIF editors the secret to engaging slides? Will personalized GIFs guarantee you that all-important ‘A’ grade? School presentations are...
Why SpongeBob SquarePants is the king of memes
How did a little angular little sea-dweller from a quarter-century old cartoon became such a fount of unforgettable memes? Is SpongeBob this reality’s main character? SpongeBob SquarePants stands astride the...
Do memes belong in the classroom?
Should teachers use memes to communicate complex concepts to their students? Or are their attempts at vibing with the young folks so cringey it’s better if they don’t bother? Memes...